Save Coney Island is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization committed to restoring Coney Island as a world-class amusement destination. We work to raise awareness of the issues facing Coney Island and promote discussion about how to turn Coney’s amusement area once more into the “Playground of the World”.

To do this, Save Coney Island believes we need to

  1. Restore and repurpose what remains of Coney Island’s historic fabric
  2. Expand the area dedicated to open-air amusements
  3. Organize interim events and activities in the underutilized portions of Coney Island
  4. Improve the visitor experience at Coney Island by helping visitors get there and navigate the amusement area.

Save Coney Island has four major initiatives to accomplish these objectives:

  1. Mapping Coney Island, a initiative to create a freely-available visitor map
  2. Preserving Coney Island, a campaign to preserve and re-use Coney’s historic structures
  3. Expanding Coney Island, a campaign to expand the amusement area
  4. Activating Coney Island, an initiative to promote more interim activities and improve the visitor experience.

In addition to these initiatives, we publish op-eds and reports and raise public awareness about the importance of revitalizing Coney Island. We also organize events and rallies that promote discussion and understanding of issues facing the amusement area.

To do all this, we have a team of highly committed volunteers. Get in touch if you want to join us — we depend entirely on the enthusiasm and passion of committed individuals. Together, we’ll restore Coney Island as the “Playground of the World.”